Wednesday, October 17, 2007



Health Benefits of Apple :

1.Apple is a rich source of flavonoid and polyphenols both are powerful antioxidant.
Study shown that by eating 100g of apple can give an antioxidant effect that equal to taking about 1,500mg of vitamin C.
2.Apple contain a large amount of minerals and vitamins that can strengthen the blood.
3.Apple contain malic acid and tartaric acid, that can help prevent disturbances of the liver and digestion.
4.Apple cider vinegar when used as beverage can help to prevent the formation of kidney stone.
5.The skin of Apple contain pectin that can help remove toxic substances from the system by supplying galacturonic acid. Pectin helps prevent protein matter in the intestine from spoiling.
6.Eating an apple daily can lower cholesterol and reduce skin diseases.

Apples have been recommended for :

Bronchial asthma
Inflammation of the bladder
Gallbladder stones

Nutritive Values : Per 100 grams

Vitamin A : 900 I.U.
Vitamin B : Thiamine .07 mg.;
Vitamin C : 5 mg.
Vitamin G : Amount uncertain
Calcium : 6 mg.
Iron : 3 mg.
Phosphorus : 10 mg.
Potassium : 130 mg.
Carbohydrates : 14.9 gm.
Calories : 58


1.Banana is an energy booster.
2.Banana contain tryptophan, a type of protein that the body converts into serotonin. Serotonin is a hormone that is known to make you feel happy and improve your mood.
3.Banana is a rich source of iron, thus it is helpful in cases of anemia.
4.Banana is good a good source of potassium. If you are taking diuretics take 2 bananas a day to prevent the depletion of potassium in the body.
5.The skin of the banana is said to help remove warts(cover the warts with the inner skin of banana).
6.Banana is good for people who have high blood pressure because it is low in salt.
7.Banana is also helpful in the following cases :
Stomach ulcer (banana has a natural antacid)
Digestive disorder
Constipation (banana is high in fiber)

Nutritive Values : Per 100 gm.

Vitamin A : 430 I.U.
Vitamin B : Thiamine .04 mg.;
Vitamin C : 10 mg.
Calcium : 8 mg.
Iron : 6 mg.
Phosphorus : 28 mg.
Potassium : 260 mg.
Carbohydrates : 23 gm
Protein : 1.2 mg.
Calories : 88


1.Mangoes contain phenols, this phenolic compound have powerful antioxidant and anticancer abilities.
2.Mango is high in iron, pregnant women and people with anemia are advised to eat this fruit regularly.
3.Mango is effective in relieving clogged pores of the skin.
4.It is also valuable to combat acidity and poor digestion.
5.Mango is high in antioxidant and low in carbohydrates.
6.Mango is a rich source of vitamin A(beta-carotene), E and Selenium which help to protect against heart disease and other ailments.

Mango is beneficial ;

Kidney problems including nephritis.
Respiratory problems

Nutritive Values : Per 100 gm.

Vitamin A : 6,350 I.U.
Vitamin B : Thiamine .06 mg.;
Vitamin C : 41 mg.
Calcium : 9 mg.
Phosphorus : 13 mg.
Protein : .7 gm.
Calories : 66


Guava is a tropical fruit that is like the shape of pear, with green rind and pinkish or white flesh and small seeds. Some people say Guava is better than orange because guava contain more Vitamin C than orange and guava is a lot cheaper than orange.

Guava Contains :

Vitamin C the skin of guava contains more than 5 times Vit C than that of an orange.
Vitamin A and B
Nicotinic Acid
Folic acid

Nutritive Values of Guava : Per 100 gm.

Vitamin A : 250 I.U.
Vitamin B : Thiamine .07 mg.;
Niacin : 1.2 mg.
Vitamin C : 302 mg.
Calcium : 30 mg.
Phosphorus : 29 mg.
Carbohydrates : 17.1 gm.
Protein : 1.0 gm.
Calories : 70

Guava is Beneficial in the following cases :

Prolonged menstruation
High blood pressure
Poor circulation (strengthen the heart)
Congestion of the lungs


Grapes is a small round or oval fruit, some grapes are seedless. Grapes is a rich source of flavonoids, this gives the gives the vibrant purplish color to grapes , grape juice and red wine, the stronger the color, the higher the flavonoid content.

Nutritive Values of Grapes : Per 100 gm.

Vitamin A : 80 I.U.
Vitamin B : Thiamine .06 mg.;
Vitamin c : 4 mg.
Calcium : 17 gm.
Phosphorus : 21 mg.
Fat : 1.4 gm.
Carbohydrates : 14.9 gm.
Protein : 1.4 gm.
Calories : 70

Health Benefits of Grapes:

1.Good blood and body builder, it is also a quick source of energy.
2.Grape juice is easily assimilated and called the "nectar of the gods". It is indicated in cases of constipation, gout, rheumatism, skin and liver disorders.
3.This alkaline fruit (also called "the queen of fruits") helps greatly to decrease the acidity of the uric acid and lends itself further in aiding the elimination of the acid from the system, thus benefiting the kidneys greatly.
4.Studies shown that grape juice, red wines and raisin tea showed strong antiviral activity against poliovirus, herpes simplex virus.
5.Helps reduce platelet clumping and harmful blood clots.


Strawberry is one of the most delicious and nutritious fruit. It has the ability to remove harmful toxin in the blood. It is also recommended for sluggish liver, gout, rheumatism, constipation, high blood pressure, catarrh and even skin cancer.

Strawberry is a rich source of folic acid, folic acid helps to prevent / reduce birth defects involving brain.

Nutritive Value : Per 100 gm.

Vitamin A : 60 I.U.
Vitamin B : Thiamine .03 mg.;
Vitamin C : 60 mg.
Calcium : 28 mg.
Phosphorus : 27 mg.
Potassium : 220 mg.
Carbohydrates : 8.3 gm
Calories : 37

Health Benefits of Strawberry :

1.This is highly rated as skin cleansing food, even though the skin eruptions may appear at first in some cases.
2.It is also known to clean or rid the blood of harmful toxins.
3.It has been reported to help cases of syphilis.
4.The strawberry, when cut in half and rubbed on the teeth and gums, removes tartar from the teeth and strengthens and heals the gums. The juice should be allowed to remain on the teeth as long as possible in order to dissolve the tartar. The mouth may then be rinsed with warm water.


Pineapple is a tropical fruit, it contains a proteolytic enzyme bromelain, which helps in the digestion of protein. Pineapple can prevent blood clot formation because of its bromelain content.

Nutritive Value : Per 100 gm.

Vitamin A : 130 I.U.
Vitamin C : 24 mg.
Calcium : 16 mg.
Phosphorus : 11 mg.
Potassium : 150 mg.
Carbohydrates : 13.7 gm.
Calories : 52

Pineapple is Beneficial also in the following condition :

1.It is regulates the gland and found to be helpful in cases of goiter(enlargement of the thyroid gland).
2.Dyspepsia (chronic digestive disturbance).
3.Bronchitis (inflammation of the bronchial tubes.)
4.Catarrh (secretions from mucous membranes).
5.High Blood pressure.
6.Arthritis (diseases of the joints)
7.Fresh pineapple juice is also used in removing intestinal worms.
8.Fresh pineapple juice has been used to combat diptheria and other infections of the throat or other parts of the body.
9.Prevents nausea (includes morning sickness and motion sickness), Take 230 cc. of pineapple juice or papaya juice.


Orange is one of the most favorite fruit in the world. Orange is loaded with vitamins, and the most abundant vitamin in orange is Vitamin C. This powerful vitamin protect our body against harmful elements.

Orange contains :

1.Betacarotene, another powerful antioxidant that protects our cells from being damage.
2.Calcium that helps protect and maintain the health of our bone and teeth.
3.Folic Acid for proper brain development.
4.Magnesium helps maintain blood pressure.
5.Potassium helps maintain electrolyte balance in the cells, and is important in maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system.
6.Thiamin helps to convert food into energy.
7.Vitamin B6 helps support the production of hemoglobin that carries oxygen to all parts of the body.

Nutritive Values : Per 100 gm.

Vitamin A : 190 I.U.
Vitamin B : Thiamine .08 mg.;
Vitamin C : 49 mg.
Calcium : 33 mg.
Phosphorus : 23 mg.
Potassium : 300 mg.

Orange is helpful:

Prevent kidney stone
Helps lower cholesterol
Helps prevent diabetes
High blood pressure
Persons addicted to alcohol have found that the desire for liquor is greatly reduced by drinking of orange juice.
Consumption of large quantities of oranges will decrease the outpouring of mucus secretions from the nose.


Health Benefits of Peach :

3.High blood pressure
4.Gastritis (inflammation of the stomach)
5.Nephritis (inflammation of the kidneys)
6.Acidosis (deficiency of alkalinity in the body)
7.Bronchitis (inflammation of the bronchial tubes)
9.Poor digestion
10.Bladder and kidney stones.
11.Helps improve the health of the skin and adds color to the complexion.
12.Helpful in the removal of worms from the intestinal tract.
13.May help prevent cancer in organs and glands with epithelial tissue due to its high Vitamin A content.

Nutritive Values : Per 100 gm.

Vitamin A : 880 I.U.
Vitamin B : Thiamine .02 mg.;
Riboflavin : .05 mg.;
Niacin : .9 mg.
Vitamin C : 8 mg.
Calcium : 8 mg.
Iron : .6 mg.
Phosphorus : 22 mg.
Potassium : 310 mg.
Fat : .1 gm.
Carbohydrates : 12 gm.
Protein : .5 gm.
Calories : 46


1.Prunes contains contains a lot of fibers and sorbitol a stool loosening sugar.
2.Prunes helps to slow aging process of the brain and body.
3.Helps in cases of anemia.
4.Prunes are excellent for increasing one's vitality.
5.It helps in normal blood circulation.
6.It is a good remedy for sore throat.
7.It can help prevent cancer because of its high betacarotene content.

Nutritive Values of Prunes : Per 100 gm.

Vitamin A : 1,890 I.U.
Vitamin B : Thiamine .10 mg.;
Riboflavin : .16 mg.;
Niacin : 1.7 mg.
Vitamin C : 3 mg.
Calcium : 11 mg.
Iron : .7 mg.
Phosphorus : 85 mg.
Potassium : 810 mg.
Fat : .6 gm.
Carbohydrates : 71 gm.
Protein : 2.3 gm.
Calories : 268


Lemon is an oval shape citrus fruit. Lemon is used as a beverage and an ingredient to some dishes to enchance its flavor. Lemon contains flavonoid a compound that contains antioxidant and anti-cancer properties.

Nutritive Values of Lemon : Per 100 gm.

Vitamin B : Thiamine .04 mg.;
Riboflavin : Trace;
Vitamin C : 50 mg.
Calcium : 40 mg.
Phosphorus : 22 mg.
Carbohydrates : 8.7 gm.
Protein : .9 gm.
Calories : 32

Health Benefits of Lemon :

1.As a natural antiseptic, the juice of the lemon will destroy harmful bacteria found in the cuts and other areas of infection.
2.For toothache, apply fresh lemon juice on the painful are.
3.For skin problems, the juice of the lemon should be applied directly to the skin and allowed to dry especially for acne and eczema, then remove with water with olive oil added. The juice is also good for the removal of blackheads, freckles and wrinkles.
4.Lemon juice when applied to hair after rinsing it , will give shine and volume to your hair.
5.Lemon juice helps to prevent and cure osteoarthritis.
6.Helps to prevent diabetes.
7.Lemon juice helps in preventing the development and progression of atherosclerosis.
8.Lemon juice is a great liver tonic.


Papayas is a pear shaped tropical fruit and than be as long as 7 to 20 inches. This fruit is available in the market throughout the year, but most abundant during the summer.

Nutritive values : Per 100 gm.

Vitamin A : 1,750 I.U
Vitamin C : 56 mg.
Calcium : 20 mg.
Phosphorus : 16 mg.
Potassium : 470 mg.
Carbohydrates : 10 gm
Calories : 39
Also contains Vitamin E and K

Health Benefits of Papaya :

1.Papaya contains the digestive enzyme papain that is why it is valuable for aiding digestion.
2.The ripe fruit is easily digestible and prevents constipation.
3.It is shown in a study that this fruit when taken alone for 3 days has a beneficial tonic effect in the stomach and intestines.
4.Papaya juice helps in relieving infections of the colon and can help break down pus and mucus.
5.May help prevent cancer in organs and glands with epithelial tissue (ripe papaya).
6.Prevents nausea (includes morning sickness and motion sickness). Taken 230cc. Of papaya juice or pineapple juice.
7.Slices of green fruits rubbed over meat and boiled with tough meat, make the meat more tender.
8.The seeds are antihelmintic, for expelling worms and they are given with honey. Chew and swallow two teaspoonful of seeds after each principal meal (three times a day).


Avocado is a pear shape with dark green or blackish skin with a large seed. It is a fruit belonging to the genus Persea in the Lauraceae family.

Avocado is a very nutritional fruit, it is cholesterol free and sodium free fruit.

Nutritive Values : Per 100 gm.

Vitamin A : 290 I.U
Thiamine : 290 mg.
Niacin : 1.1 mg.
Vitamin C : 16 mg.
Calcium : 10 mg.
Phosphorus : 38 mg.
Fat : 26.4 gm. (monounsaturated)
Carbohydrates : 5.1 gm.
Protein : 1.7 gm.
Calories : 245

Health Benefits of Avocado :

1.For malnutrition because of the plentiful supply of vitamins and minerals.
2.Readily taken by ulcer patients.
3.Inflamed conditions of the mucous membranes, particularly the stomach, small intestines and colon.
4.Help in Male impotency because of its richness in nutrients.
5.Beneficial for women in their menopause
9.For youthful and healthy skin use avocado oil. It is a good facial oil.


1.Apricot has high mineral content, that makes it beneficial in cases of anemia, tuberculosis, asthma, bronchitis, and toxemia.
2.Apricot is high in vitamin A, that is why it is very helpful in the removal of skin pimples and other skin disorder.
3.Apricot contain lycopene, this substance can help prevent cancer and help to protect LDL cholesterol from oxidation, which may help prevent heart disease.
4.It helps destroy intestinal worms.
5.It may help remove gallstones.
6.It is it helps in preventing cancer in organs lined by epithelial tissue, due to its high vitamin A content.

Nutritive Values : Per 100 grams

Vitamin A : 2,790 I.U.
Vitamin B : Thiamine .3 mg.;
Vitamin C : 7 mg.
Calcium : 16 mg.
Phosphorus : 23 mg.
Carbohydrates : 12.9 gm.
Protein : 1.0 gm.
Calories : 51


1.Grapefruit is very helpful in removing or dissolving inorganic calcium which may have formed in the cartilage of the joints, as in arthritis, as a result of an excessive consumption of devitalized white flour products. Fresh grapefruit contains organic salicylic acid, which aids in dissolving such inorganic calcium in the body.
2.Grapefruit can help in weight loss, since it is low in sodium, high in fat burning enzymes. Low sodium intake can help flush out excess water that is caused by high sodium food.
3.Grapefruit has high water content, and an increased water consumption can help increase metabolism.
4.Grapefruit is a rich source of Vitamin C
5.Grapefruit is rich in lycopene (the red color/pigment), it helps to prevent to occurance of tumor and cancer.
6.It is a liver tonic
7.Helps in cases of Gallstones
8.Helps in cases of Cold, Pneumonia, Fever
9.It is a powerful drug-poison eliminator
10.Helps in proper digestion of food
11.Can help improve complexion
12.Grapefruit is a natural antiseptic for wounds when used externally.

Nutritive Values : Per 100 gm.

Vitamin A : Trace
Vitamin B : Thiamine .04 mg.;
Riboflavin : .02 mg.;
Niacin : .2 mg.
Vitamin c ; 40 mg.
Calcium : 22 mg.
Iron : .2 mg.


1.Tangerine is a rich source of Vitamin C
2.It is also a good source of Beta-carotene
3.Tangerine is recommended to help reduce fever and for relieving congestion of the liver.
4.Some people said that tangerine can help cure syphilis, maybe because of its antiseptic property.
5.It may help prevent cancer in organ lined with epithelial tissue, due to its high vitamin A content.

Tangerine is helpful :

High blood pressure
Various skin ailments

Nutritive Values : Per 100 gm.

Vitamin A : 420 I.U
Vitamin B : Thiamine .07 mg.;
Riboflavin : .03 mg.;
Niacin : .2 mg.
Vitamin C : 31 mg.
Calcium : 33 mg.
Iron : .4 mg.
Phosphorus : 23 mg.
Potassium : 110 mg.
Magnesium :
Fat : .3 gm
Carbohydrates : 10.9 gm.
Protein : .8 gm.
Calories : 44


Scientific Name : Cucumis melo reticulatus

A variety of melon of the cucumber family. It is eaten as dessert fruit, it can be made as a refreshing drink and salads.

Vitamin and Mineral Content :

Vitamin A : 3,420 I.U.
Potassium : 242 mg.

Beneficial in the Following Illnesses :

High blood pressure
Disorders of the kidneys and bladder
Abdominal and stomach gas
Skin diseases
Blood deficiencies
May help prevent cancer in organs and glands with epithelial tissue due to its high Vitamin A content.


1.Cherries red pigment is called anthocyanins, this pigment has been shown to reduce pain and inflammation.
2.Cherry Anthocyanins are also a powerful antioxidant.
3.Cherries help stimulate the secretion of digestive juices and of the urine and are effective cleansers of the liver and kidneys.
4.Eating large quantities of cherries, from one half pound and up daily, has been found to bring relief to patients with gout, a disease that is characterized by an excess of uric acid in the blood and attacks of arthritis.
5.Cherry also contain a high level of melatonin, is a substance that is important in the immune system function. Study shown that people who experience heart attack have low melatonin levels.
6.May help prevent cancer in organs and glands with epithelial tissue due to its high Vitamin A content.
7.Cherries is also helpful in the following cases ;
Colds (runny nose)
Intestinal worm
High blood Pressure

Nutritive Values : Per 100 gm.

Vitamin A : 620 I.U.
Vitamin B : Thiamine .05 mg.;
Riboflavin : .06 mg.;
Niacin : .4 mg.
Vitamin C : 8 mg.
Calcium : 18 mg.
Iron : .4 mg.
Phosphorus : 20 mg.
Fat : .5 gm.
Carbohydrates : 14.8 gm.
Protein : .5 gm.
Calories : 61